Monday, May 19, 2008
A week in pictures...
It's Monday again....sigh. We had a nice, relaxing weekend, though, and the weather was really nice. Owen has been getting more and more brave with his walking. Lilly is taking a step here and there but is still out of her comfort zone - she has to be touching something in order to walk. We spent lots of time on walks and playing outside this weekend, and other than that, just kind of much as you can with two one year olds. They have both learned to climb EVERYTHING. Lilly is a good listener and understands NO, Owen does not. We're off to run some errands and get out of the house this afternoon. Hope everyone is well!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Its Monday...again... anyways we have a great couple of weekends. Last weekend we drove to Dallas to see my long lost brother, it'd been 4 years. He flew in from Portland. It was fun to see him interact with the babies, as he's probably never been around one, much less two, but he was a good sport. I think he liked seeing them for the first time.
The weather was unseasonable cool in Dallas, but still nice enough to go to the park. It was so nice being outside and just relaxing. After the park, we stopped by Angie's house (high school friend) and visited them awhile. We don't see each other near enough. We also got to see some old friends, Mike, Joe & Heidi while we were there as well. We hadn't see Joe & Heidi in over two years, and we've all been very busy reproducing during those two years, so it was fun to meet each other's kids for the first time!
In other news, Lilly chipped her cute lil tooth last Monday. It's fine, only upset her for about 10 minutes, but we are going to the dentist on Thursday just to make sure. I don't think anyone but me would even notice it.
Oh, and the biggie, Owen is WALKING! And he's SO dang proud of himself! All day yesterday, (Mother's Day), he was going 6-7 steps at a time, and just loving it. No doubt Lilly will follow soon, they always tend to do things close together.
Not much going on this week, but we are definitely going to make some plans, as otherwise these days get to be really long.
Hope you all are well, I'll post photos soon.
The weather was unseasonable cool in Dallas, but still nice enough to go to the park. It was so nice being outside and just relaxing. After the park, we stopped by Angie's house (high school friend) and visited them awhile. We don't see each other near enough. We also got to see some old friends, Mike, Joe & Heidi while we were there as well. We hadn't see Joe & Heidi in over two years, and we've all been very busy reproducing during those two years, so it was fun to meet each other's kids for the first time!
In other news, Lilly chipped her cute lil tooth last Monday. It's fine, only upset her for about 10 minutes, but we are going to the dentist on Thursday just to make sure. I don't think anyone but me would even notice it.
Oh, and the biggie, Owen is WALKING! And he's SO dang proud of himself! All day yesterday, (Mother's Day), he was going 6-7 steps at a time, and just loving it. No doubt Lilly will follow soon, they always tend to do things close together.
Not much going on this week, but we are definitely going to make some plans, as otherwise these days get to be really long.
Hope you all are well, I'll post photos soon.
Friday, May 2, 2008
15 months!
Lilly and Owen were officially 15 months yesterday! We celebrated by going to the doctor for their check-up. Lilly weighed in at 20 lb 4.5oz, and Owen was 20 lb 8.5oz, but was 2 inches taller than Lilly. So..according to the charts Owen is long and lean, and Lilly is a short with a little meat on her bones, go figure.
For further proof that these are indeed our children, we have discovered moles on each of them recently. Owen's is on his rear...after many attemps at trying to wipe a tiny piece of poop off his cheek...I realized that nope, that's staying there, my baby's first mole, hehe. And Lilly's first mole made it's appearance on her index finger. Again, I wiped and wiped, then thought maybe it was a small scab, but it too is here to stay. For anyone who has taken a good look at Paul or mine's skin, it is obvious that these kids don't stand a chance when it comes to moles, poor babies. Who knows, maybe by the time they're our age, there will be a new device that just zaps those suckers right off with no scarring. If there is, they'll have to wait in line behind me.
Honarary Uncle Mikey was kind enough to pay a short visit to us last Thursday. He happened to be in town for work, so stopped by for dinner. It was nice to see him, it'd been way too long! Of course we couldn't let him leave without forcing him to read books to our babies, but he's always a good sport!
Well we're off to the big D this weekend to see my brother, it's been FOUR years. We're looking forward to it! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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