It has been exactly one week since Ginger has been home, and I have to say, Paul and I are enjoying our babymoon (is that what you call it?). One newborn is SO different than TWO, and we are really enjoying just getting to snuggle with her as much as we want. As I sit here writing, Ginger is taking a snooze on the swing (it's not moving but she really likes it), and the twinks are taking a nap. Aunt Laura has been helping the past few days but is gone now, and Paul will be home to get the twins up from their naps since I can't lift them out of their cribs. So, the house is nice and QUIET!
Ginger and I met Daddy for her first checkup appointment this morning. This girl has gained almost a pound since birth, which is pretty impressive I think. She was 7lb 2 oz at birth and is now exactly 8 lb. Hmmm...maybe I should be bottling and marketing my high calorie breast milk?? Needless to say she is a good nurser. She is not sleeping more than three hours at a time, especially at night, but we are doing OK with our sleep and not too tuckered out.

Ginger snoozing with Aunt LaLa

Our new family!

Paul and I both truly love our new family of five, and really feel completed. In fact, I love having this baby so much I almost wish I hadn't got my tubes tied...but I'm sure that's just the hormones talking :) We did lots of errands together on Saturday and it was fun to be out and about together. Needless to say it will be awhile before I attempt to take the trio out by myself, but I'm up for the challenge just as soon as I feel comfortable lifting Lilly & Owen again. I know the twins are getting a little cabin fever right now, but we do have a big Target/Lunch outing planned for Thursday when Laura is helping us again - it's the little things right???
Everyone asks how Lilly and Owen are adjusting, and I have to say pretty good. I know they are a little bored being at home so much, and Owen especially misses momma putting him to bed, but we are really trying to give lots of hugs and snuggles, and they really love baby Ginger. They get very concerned every time she cries, and are always asking where she is. Lilly is going through quite a princess phase right now, but that started before Ginger is here. Every little time she doesn't get her way, she is on the floor faster than you can count to three, face down on her tummy, pouting. She doesn't cry or scream, and she doesn't get any attention from us when she does this, so hopefully it will be shortlived. A highschool friend on Facebook, posted an identical picture of her daughter doing the exact same thing, and I have to say it made me feel really good, is that bad?