Ginger is a happy baby and loves to watch Lilly & Owen at work. They like her too most of the time. They get a little frustrated when she tries to grab at books or toys they are playing with - 2 year olds aren't known for their sharing nature...
I put Baby Ginger in a swing outside for the first time last week. She absolutely loved it. That's great because it means we can be outside more.
So I'm almost done with Ginger's room now. What can I say, I'm not one of those mommies who had the nursery completed months before birth.
We have a 3 bedroom house, which means that Ginger's room was our guest room, and is still our guest room on occasion. Please don't tell her when she's older, that we're sleeping her in our bedroom closet when we have company at the moment.
I was glad to get to do a girly room since we had to go neutral with Lilly & Owen. The paint had to stay tan colored, since this will probably be Owen's room once the twins split. I think I managed to get enough pink in there to offset the tan walls though.
This dresser was Paul's as a boy..except it wasn't pink then. Paul re-did it and did an excellent job! We hadn't planned on using the original brass hardware that was on it, but with a coat of white paint, they turned out perfect.