Ah, the weekend. What a beautiful perfect Saturday we had! Went to the Y first thing in the morning and kids played on playground after. Then we headed home for Ginger's nap. Lilly and I got to have some special mommy-daughter time and it was so fun! I could tell she really needed it and as many of you know, it's just hard to get away for quality time with one kiddo. So we headed into "town" and toured the First Saturday festivities (check it out sometime). We did the Farmer's market, and listened to the live music, and then went to the little tea room and had lunch outside. I asked the waitress (who turned out to be the owner) to serve Lilly's tea in a little teacup, and she even brought her some little tea biscuits. That little girl drank two full cups and didn't spill a single drop. Stopped at the grocery store then headed home. Later that day we visited with our neighbors and just had an all in all great day.

I went to put Ginger down to bed that night, and as I was nursing her, she got a little fidgety. Next thing I know she's puking all over me. Multiple times. Got her all cleaned up, put her to bed, and she was totally fine after that. Now I'm thinking that the seasoned pork she had a nibble of at dinner time didn't agree with her. No big deal.
Fast forward 2am. I wake up, don't feel so well, and well you can guess the rest. I didn't really sleep well and I still felt lousy so spent time on the couch just kind of vegging in front of the TV. Next thing I know it's 4:30 am and wouldn't you guess, Paul (who ran back to bed as I was getting sick, thanks) was having his turn.
It's now morning and kids are awake bright and happy, not sick. Thank God, because we felt so lousy we couldn't have handled it. We continue to have "episodes" and feel A-W-F-U-L. Except that Paul is in bed feeling awful, and I'm watching over 3 kids. Hmph. He's "too weak to get out of bed, almost passed out when he got out."
About noon, after having cycled Max & Ruby and Eloise DVD's non-stop for 5 hours, I call on my wonderful neighbors who come take the twins until it's their naptime.
Twins come home from neighbors, take nap, and wake up covered in....can you guess? I'm SO sorry neighbors...I really didn't think they were going to get it since they usually get it first.
I can honestly say Sunday was the worst sick day we have ever, ever had. Ever. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and I kind of a feel like I deserve a medal or something. A mommy medal.
So anyways, we are all perfectly healthy now, and very fortunate that it was truly a 12 hour bug, which took about 24 hours after that to recover from. But it did leave me with a few thoughts which I just have to share:
- There is vomit residue in the toilet, and you really don't care.
- You have to take a break between nursing your baby to go puke.
- You and your hubby are mentally tallying who's puked more to determine who gets to stay in bed and who gets to be the parent.
- A days worth of dirty dishes piled in the sink, overnight. Not even rinsed. Don't care.
- You really can't remember what or if you fed your 3 kids and aren't really concerned.
- You text your other neighbors (the ones you didn't infest with your nasty virus) demanding bananas, 7up, and applesauce. And forget to even say please. And they drop it off on our doorstop in about 45 minutes. Did I mention we have awesome neighbors.
- You care that your house is currently so disgusting.
- Food and showering seem important.
- You have the energy to argue with your hubby about his wussi-ness. (He didn't get out of bed for the better part of 36 hours). My husband has MANY amazing qualities. Handling illness is not one of them.
- Ummm....coffee!
Everything is back to normal now. We all feel great. We still have about 29 loads of laundry piled up, but I'm working through it. Oh, and I have some baking to do to thank my wonderful neighbors. I'm not really sure a loaf of banana bread is going to cut it, but it's a start.
And if you're wondering about the title of my blog. That's what Owen said after he got sick. "I've got pizza in my mouth." We hadn't had pizza recently. And I won't be eating it any time soon.
I started this little skirt for Lilly Saturday night. Needless to say didn't finish it til yesterday. She loves it :)