Well September started off hot and as I sit here writing, we have the windows open for the first time in months. It feels great. I'm looking forward to that first cup of hot tea this fall. Maybe tomorrow.
This kids have gone back to their preschool for one day a week. The twins love it and Ginger is coming around to the idea. It's only 5.5 hours a week, but it truly makes all the difference. Today we also started swimming lessons. Plenty to keep us busy and growing.

Lilly got a Barbie DVD at the library a few weeks ago. The twins call it Barbie's Diamond Castle. I don't think that's actually the name of it, but it has stuck none the less. They were playing so well today while I got a few things done. Then they came to me so excited because they wanted me to see the diamond castle they built themselves. So of course I had to get the camera out. All those canisters, etc to the left are steps, there's even a teacup or two behind there...they had they steps increasing in size as they led up to the castle. They pulled all those fabric bins and the picnic basket together as part of the castle construction...I love their imagination.

I took this picture of Ginger yesterday. She just looked like such a big girl in her jeans and bow. But I still call her Baby Ginger. Baby for short.

This is the first day of school. They are posing with their preschool director, whom we adore! Can you see the uncertainty in Ginger's eyes?

Last year when I picked the twins up from school they were always SO excited to see me. They would literally run to me shreiking "mommy!" and give me big hugs, etc. So this year as I was walking into the school to pick them up, I decided I would go get the twins first so I could give them all of my attention since I knew they would be really excited to see me. Or so I thought. I found them playing a heated game of Memory (remember that game?) in the school's new gym with their friends. I made a big deal of my entrance and how excited I was to see them. They barely looked up from their game. I think they said "hi mom." So now I go get Baby Ginger first when I pick them up. She's very happy to see me and I get hugs. When I went to pick her up after the first day of school, the first thing she did was say "snack." School makes all my kids hungry.

We've decided to try a Fall garden this year. This is Paul constructing it, along with Owen's help. We've never had success with our past attempts at gardening, but we're convinced we're doing it right this time. So far our tomato plants look great, our beans are growing like weeds, and the squash and cabbage are growing. Spinach and lettuce will be planted in another month or so. The kids each planted their own carrot patch this weekend.

Goofing off
A lot of times when we come home, Owen likes to pretend he's Daddy and sit in the driver's seat of my car and push buttons and stuff. When he finally comes inside, I play along and ask him how work was that day, etc. One day last week, Lilly decided to join Owen. She got in the passenger seat and she was the mommy. So when they both came into the house a few minutes later, I asked them both how work was. Lilly quickly corrected me and said "mommies don't go to work." Oh. So then I asked her what mommies did. She said "mommies go the Y and to the grocery store." Can't argue with that.