Monday, June 9, 2008

Mission Failed

It's Monday...somehow I always seem to post on Mondays. I'm not sure why that is.

I had a nice weekend out of town with one of my best friends, we've know each other since 4th grade, pretty cool! Anyways, that meant Paul was alone with Lilly and Owen for 32 hours, but who's counting right? He did a great job and they cooperated pretty well for him. Of course he had to show me up by doing all the laundry, making them a huge hot breakfast, etc, etc. I think they all had a good time.

My post title is my story from last week. As any mom who is a nap freak knows, any outings must be carefully choreographed so as not to miss that golden nap window. So last Wednesday I decided to be productive and we left that house at 8 am to go grocery shopping - plenty of time to be back by 10:30, which is our usual nap time , kinda. So....we're in the car and heading home by 9:30. Have I ever mentioned that I live extremely far from any store you actually want to go Target and Kroger? So that means a 20 minute drive each way. You can probably see where this is going...they freaking fell asleep at 9:45 in the car..could not keep them awake for anything! Grrr!!!! The trouble we moms go to, to only have it slap us in the face. But I guess the silver lining is that they actually did take a small nap in the car even once we got home.

Owen is walking everywhere now, and doesn't have to use his arms to steady himself anymore. He will stand while holding a cup and a snack, and you can tell he is so proud. sweet little stubborn girl, still has no interest in walking. We have tried everything including bribery. She stands all day, uses her walker toys all the time, but she still needs that little bit of confidence to let go. I have a feeling when she does, she will never stop, and will be running!

It's 12:15 and they are still sleeping - yay! When they wake, we are off to Chic-Fil-A and Target. Really, what did stay at home moms do before Chic-Fil-A and Target? I feel sorry for them, that's for sure.

Check back next time for first haircut pictures....first hair cuts by professionals that know what they are doing that is. Not haircuts from moms that think "really, they're one, how hard could it be?" We plan on going some day this week.

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