If you come to our house in the near future, you will likely be asked by self-named "santa Owie" to sit in his lap. He is always wearing his santa hat, and often has ornaments swiped from our Christmas tree, hidden in it. After he asks you what you want for Christmas, he will remove his hat and give you a gift, usually a candy-cane ornament, or for Lilly, her purse-ornament, since that's what she usually asks for. After you have sat in his lap, he will often invite you to ride in his sleigh (aka Pauls arm chair) and let you ride into the sky with his reindeer. I asked his teacher at school, Ms Debbie, if he asked her to sit in his lap, and she said "oh yes!". I know in a few years this will probably be inappropriate, but right now it is really stinking cute! If Owen doesn't grow up to be a rock star, he will surely find employment at the neighborhood mall come winter.


The twins day school had a Christmas program last Thursday morning. You would have thought Celine Dion was in town the way that Sanctuary was packed in the middle of the day to see all those kids. It was so sweet, and I have to say, my kids totally rocked it. I know the picture is blurry, but those are MY kids dancing and singing like they're supposed to. Oh yes, my kids know how to sing and dance, and I was a proud momma that day! I was in tears by the time the kindergartners did their part...many of them had solos and there is nothing more adorable than a 5 yr old singing a solo in a Christmas program.

Wow! One week until Christmas! It has been an incredible month! I think this has been my favorite Christmas in a long, long time. I love how the twins are SO excited about everything. They love the music, the tree, the lights, the ornaments, the cookies, everything! They really don't go into stores that often, I usually try to go alone. Anyways, last Saturday, I decided to take Owen with me to Target and Kroger ( a 4 hour trip when you're with me). We had some great mommy-son time, and he was in awe of everything he saw. I love seeing everything from his eyes, it's all so new and fun!
Before we left, I wondered out loud to Paul how Owen would be with just me. Paul remarked that he'd probably surprise me by being really quiet and calm - he's really LOUD most of the time. Well, from the moment we left the driveway, that kid never stopped talking. It's hard to have a voice in this loud house sometimes, so I think he decided to take advantage of it. He was a good, sweet boy and I really enjoyed all of our "conversations", and he was definitely ready for a nap by the time we got home. He mentioned Daddy, Lilly, and Baby Ginger several times while we were gone, and even said he missed them. I don't know why it's so hard to get away with just one child, but it rarely happens around here. I hope it happens more often.