These adorable pumpkins were a gift from Paul's parents' neighbors at their summer cottage in New York. Janet and John love the kids and have got to see the twins each summer for a few weeks for the past 3 summers. They have a huge garden which I love to wander in when I'm there. They carved these names into the pumpkins when they were still green, and this is how they turned out. Unfortunately, Baby Ginger's pumpkin didn't make it... The kids had lots of fun picking (not ripe) apples from Janet and John's apple trees this summer. Janet kept telling them they were going to get a stomach ache from eating unripe apples, but it didn't phase them.
Paul's company had their annual BBQ cook off last weekend. We got to go on Saturday and enjoy the fruits of their labor. My kids love BBQ, especially ribs. I'm pretty sure that Owen thinks this is what Daddy is doing when he goes to work now..making BBQ. He mentioned it more than once this week when we mentioned Daddy being at work...
In other news, I survived (with much help) 3 days and nights without Paul last week. This was the first time he's had to be gone since Ginger was born. I have to say it went much better than expected. Thankfully Aunt LaLa, and Gma and Gpa Brown each took a night to help get everyone fed and to bed, so I was really only alone on my own one night. Even so, it really makes you appreciate what single moms or moms who's hubbys are deployed or gone a lot, must go through. I am very thankful Paul is rarely gone for work!
We have lots of fun planned this week, and of course, are looking forward to Halloween! The kids get to wear their costumes to school and to story time this week, so it should be lots of fun. Oh, and I can't wait to post pics of Baby Ginger's costume next week....SO ADORABLE! Can you guess what she's going to be???? We did a trial run yesterday and there were many tears so hopefully she will be happier next time around!
That's whats going on with the Browns. So I hate to beg, but I will...haha. If you are reading my blog, leave me a comment! I'm not too good about leaving comments on other people's blog either, but it sure makes you feel good to know someone besides the grandparents (no offense) are reading it :)
I read your blog and love it!!!
Hey Jennifer! Sorry for not commenting sooner. I always enjoy seeing pics of the kids and hearing what you all are up to. Are you still working on Ginger's room? I'd love to see pics when you get it done! Hope you have a fun and safe Halloween!
I love reading the blog. It's great to see picts of the kiddos.
Love all the pics! Ginger is getting so big!!!
I read it too! I am way too lazy to do my own, but I reguarly check up on yours! Keep it up. :)
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