The last week has brought on some sort of weird fever virus in this house. Not only did Lilly and Owen get it, Daddy even got a taste of it and had to stay home from work because he was sick - something he rarely does. Luckily, the only effect for the kids is a fever and a little tiredness. It's really weird, they'll be totally fine one minute, and then as pitiful as can be and running a 102 degree fever five minutes later. It's been going on for a week now and we are really ready to say bye bye to this bug!
In between fevers, we did have time to play...
One minute we are having a great time...
The next minute, not so much!
Oh, and onto our potty progress. Believe me, I'm definitely not pushing it, but why not give them the opportunity and a little candy if it moves things along. Lilly has peepee'd in the potty a good half dozen times and Owen really enjoys sitting on his. I still haven't figure out why they insist on being as naked as possible to sit on their potties, but whatever makes them happy...
The best way to spend half an hour on a slow day...
And in other news, I am happy to announce I am officially in my third trimester now. Things are finally starting to seem real now :) I have recieved no less than three "anytime now, eh?" comments from strangers this week. I have mixed feelings on this - first of all at least it confirms my own feelings that my belly is freaking huge, but second of all it is just depressing. I guess it's a good thing I never left the house when I was pregnant with the twins. Of course, it didn't give any urges to the sackers at the grocery today to sack my groceries, much less help me to the car - what's a girl have to do to get some help?! Oh, and in case you were wondering, the crazy home-schooling stranger (no offense to home-schoolers) on the bread aisle has informed me that I'm having a girl. I also got introduced to her three children and told while the school system is bad. That's about it. Hope you all enjoyed the weekend!
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