Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Playgroup and Preggo Poll!

We had a fun morning at a twin's playgroup today. We got to play outside with tons of other kiddos and had lots and lots of new toys to play with!

What? No one told mom their was going to be a swimming pool!

This water table was pretty fun!

Lilly wasted no time in findng the perfect accessories for her outfit. She arrived wearing a pink bow, and within minutes was sport of flapper head band and pearls.

We've been in an inground pool before, but we think this is MUCH more fun!

How come we don't have a pool Mom!?!?

Fearless Lilly as always!

Hmm...I think I'll know what we'll be doing this weekend! After we got home and woke from naps, all I heard from Lilly & Owen was "pay water" and "ammy's House" which I think meant Emma's house? So thanks Danielle for a great time!

I had my weekly OB appointment yesterday and all is well! We also had an US afterwards to check the estimated weight. During these appointments they also check on things (mommies you know what I mean) to see if our little "tator tot" has plans to make an appearance any time soon. Well, it appears this little one is REALLY happy in my tummy, so I'm not holding my breath for an early arrival, but a girl can always hope right? I right at 36 weeks, and the baby measured right at 6 lbs. That means around an 8 lb baby at 40ish weeks, which is what I kind of figured from the beginning. The women in my family do not make small babies...except for the twin thing.

It's NOT a basketball! 36 weeks...
OK, so let's have a little fun and take a guess on the sex of the baby. My gut feeling from the beginning has been that it's a girl, but I'm the only one who seems to think so. You can vote on the front page of the blog (if I did it right!).

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