I am still pregnant, but hopefully not for long. I have an appointment in the morning, and I'm thinking it will be decision time! My due date is actually Friday.

39 weeks...hoping this baby isn't as big as it looks in my tummy!

I love this picture of Lilly, it says a lot about her attitude and personality. This girl is definitely into style, which if it wasn't so cute, would also be a little scary. She is constantly wearing my shoes around the house and will be quite verbal on wearing a pretty dress versus a not so pretty one - seriously you can't fool her. I tried to put on a little knit polo dress on her yesterday, and apparently it wasn't cute enough. She saw another dress I hadn't put away yet ( that really was much cuter), and insisted on wearing it instead, because it was a "pincess dess." What can I say, I choose my battles.

This morning we went to a fun playgroup at an indoor gym type place for todders. They had a lot of fun with all the differnt activities, toys, and BUBBLES! And I have to say, they played some good music for the moms, not toddler stuff, so it was enjoyable. Lilly was dancing to the music and it was so funny....anytime music comes on, she is getting her groove on.

We are having a lot of fun with our swimming pool. I don't get it out unless I have help, but it's amazing how long two tots can be entertained in about 3 inches of water. Now if only there was a bubble machine attached to the pool...

These are all the pictures I've taken in the past 10 days or so, pretty bad I know. Here's hoping I have a reason to take a ton of pictures in a few days or so. Until then, we're going to make sure and enjoy the pleasant weather we've been granted this week. Highs in the low 80's and low humidity - it feels great!
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