Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Future Firefighters

We had a fun day today! Our "twins club" hosted a playgroup at the firestation today, and it was quite the hit - who needs Disneyworld!? The firemen were great guys and good sports, being swarmed with about 2 dozen or more toddlers.

Anyone who knows Owen knows he is a quite the fan of any big truck, he calls out "big trucks", cement trucks, fire trucks, dump trucks, tractors, and I'm sure a few others, every time we hit the road. Out WONDERFUL Aunt Lala was gracious enough to accompany us - thanks Lala!

The firemen loved Ginger! I can't see policemen cooing over a baby but these guys did.

Lilly's favorite part....sitting in the AC, on the fireman's recliner, eating "wackers", and they turned on Nickelodean for her. She's still feeling a little under the weather...

Two days left in the week. I'm attempting a solo (well except for two year old twins and a newborn) trip to the library tomorrow, and we have a playdate set for Friday. It's good to have something planned and get back in the swing of things!


Unknown said...

Great Pictures! I made prints for Mom.

Mamaw said...

The kids are getting soooo BIG!!!We love the pictures and stories you share. THANKS for keeping such a great journal. We miss you!
Mamaw and Pop-pop