This was the week I have been waiting for, for a long time! SCHOOL! It's only one day a week, for 5.5 hours, but I'm not complaining. We got to go to a meet the teacher last week, so that really helped Lilly & Owen adjust to the new place and their teacher. Owen didn't cry AT ALL and was excited to go see Miss Debbie and the playground, and even wants to go back next week! If anyone remembers, he cried EVERY Tuesday all last spring, from the moment we left the driveway, so this is a big improvement! I tried to get a cute picture of them together with their backpacks etc, but you can probably guess how that went...

While the twins were napping yesterday, I had a fun little photo session with Ginger since she was looking especially cute :)

Last but not least, my little musicians had an impromptu jam session the other day, and then turned into a marching band...can you tell they take after mommy? I love that they love music, and are so creative! Hmmm, if the professional golf thing doesn't work out, maybe we have the next Jonas Brothers (have to change the name) on our hands, hehehe.

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