Sunday, January 3, 2010

Santa Came! Santa Came!

OK, so this is really late, but had to get the Christmas Pictures in here. We had a great Christmas holiday and this year was truly special. It's the first year the twins really understood much of anything. We went to get Lilly & Owen on Christmas morning and watching them walk down the stairs and see the scene downstairs was priceless...Owen started saying "santa came! santa came!" Of course I'm pretty sure they would have been happy with just one little present and a candy cane, so needless to say they were overwhelmed.

Because I always manage to post pictures in the exact opposite order that I want them, here is Christmas morning in reverse...

Who cares about awesome new tricycles that Santa brought us...there's a LEAF PILE!

Lilly in her princesessness


Santa brought Owen underwear because he really wants him to be a big boy.
Can you tell he's excited?

Buzz and Woody!

I totally got gypped...

Making cookies for Santa


redcitydesign said...


Mamaw said...

How great to find joy in the simple leaf piles! LOVED how excited Owen was with Woody and Buzz...and Princess Lilly in her finest! Am sure Aunt LaLa can tell you tales about being the youngest...poor Ginger! :-)

Unknown said...

Aunt Patty needs to knit Ginger a stocking.