Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things That Aren't Normal.

We've had a busy week with some excitement, and things out of the ordinary.

1. Twins loving on each other.

This is definitely something not normal. I came from putting Ginger down for a nap, to see Lilly & Owen so sweet! Like any siblings, they spend most of their time NOT being sweet to each other.

2. We went to church.
OK so I admit it, this is NOT normal for us. The twins go once a week to the Presbyterian Day School, and last Sunday was PDS Sunday, basically a way to get people like us to go to church. So we did. The service was their "contemporary" (I think) service, so even though Paul and I grew up going to Presbyterian churches, we were way out of our element. No Morning Has Broken Hyms here... it was all drums, guitars, and projector screens. The kids had a blast and Lilly was literally dancing in the aisles to the music. Good thing she's cute. Owen loved watching the band play, which seemed like about half the service. They did surprisingly well sitting through the service and got to go sing a song with their peers during it too. Sorry, no picture proof that we actually went to church but I promise we did! And the walls did not fall down on us.

3. Lilly ate caviar.
So after church we went to brunch with Paul's family. It was a typical nice buffet with the omelet station etc. I took Lilly to see what else she wanted, and I held her up because I thought it would be fun to let her pick what she wanted on her plate. Well we walk by various salads, meats, and veggies, and so far, she doesn't want any of it. Then we come upon that platter that is a requirement at a Sunday Brunch, even though nobody really eats it. The one with a smoked salmon, and various capers, stinky cheese, etc. On it is also nicely layed out little rows of black and red caviar that unsurprisingly has not been touched . Lilly sees that, and says "I want that!" OK. So I take the itty bitty fancy spoon and put a little of each on her plate, snickering to myself. So we make it back to the table, and she immediately eats it. She looks confused. I'm pretty sure she thought it was little blackberries and raspberries if I had to guess. None the less, she eats it all. Grandma takes her back again to get more food, and low and behold the girl comes back with more of the caviar, and eats it again. And looks confused again. We didn't go back for thirds, we'd had enough amusement. And of course, a picture:

4. SNOW!
As I write this it is 67 and sunny, a perfectly gorgeous day. 48 hours ago, it was snowing...and not just a little! This is probably the most snow I have seen in Texas, in at least 10 years. Dallas tends to get some snow every now and then, but outside Houston? Not so much. It totally caught me by surprise. I had heard the forecast, but didn't really buy into it. Huge, beautiful snowflakes fell for several hours. Owen absolutely loved the snow and stayed out in it for quite awhile. I was really hoping we'd actually have enough for a snowman, but not quite. We did have enough to make a few snowballs when Daddy got home though. And like any good Texan, I have dozens and dozens of pictures to document this rare event!

Our house is 40 years old, and I'd be willing to bet it's never had this much snow!

5. Babies being born too soon.
Unfortunately, premature birth isn't normal, but it still happens way too much. Please help my friends and I join together to raise money for March Of Dimes. The Woodlands Moms of Multiples (of which I am an active member) raises money each year for the March Of Dimes and also participates in the March for Babies Walk held in April. My goal is to raise $500 for this great cause. Our team's goal is to raise $15,000.

As many of you know, Lilly and Owen were born at 35 weeks (average for twins, 40 weeks is full term) and spent just under a week in the NICU. We are very blessed that they had no real issues and are healthy crazy 3 year olds today! Several friends in my group have given birth to their precious babies at 32, 28, even 25.5 weeks. It's not an easy or fun journey for them to watch their tiny little miracles stay weeks or months in the NICU, praying each day that the next will be better. That's why the March of Dimes is close to our heart. MOD's mission is to have all babies born healthy one day.

So, please give what you can. No amount is too small (even $5 is greatly appreciated!). As an incentive, I'm going to match whatever you donate, up to $250, to help reach my goal.

If you are related to me by blood or marriage, I will be deeply hurt, and just might have to de-friend you on FB, if you don't make a donation (kidding. mostly.) So give how ever much feels right. Come on, it'll make you feel better. Just do it. Now. Before you forget.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Big Kid Beds and Stuff

Well some day I will be able to figure this out so that all my pictures aren't in the reverse order of what I want them to be. Usually I am so proud that I'm actually working on the blog, I don't want to spend that time rearranging stuff, I want to spend it writing, so here goes...

Today and yesterday have been, in my mind, perfect days! About 60 and sunny, I personally couldn't ask for more. I love being outside in a long sleeve shirt, and a nice breeze, sun shining down, and no mosquitoes! We've been taking advantage of it and today had a picnic lunch in the back yard. Of course, a prerequisite of a picnic is to have bare toes!

I love this picture! It was a total fluke and already holds a special place in my heart. OK that was cheesy, but it's true!

Ginger loves being outside. She loves being unrestrained even more...that day will come.

The twins love to play hide and seek. It usually goes something like this:
Lilly: "Hey Owie you want to play hide and seek?"
Owen: "ya!"
Lilly: "OK, Owie, you hide under Ginger's bed and I'll go count"
(Owen hides under Ginger's bed)
(Lilly runs into the other room and counts to 10, etc)
Lilly runs to Ginger's bed, finds Owen (who may or may not have already come out of hiding) and they both laugh hysterically.

Ginger thinks it's pretty funny too - that's what the picture above is. She's laughing because she found someone under the bed. Sometimes she'll even go under they bed and they are all laughing. Pretty freaking adorable.

Paul and I actually got to go out with friends on a Saturday night! This is sadly a rare event so it was definitely photo worthy. We had a great time with our friends Tim & V.

I caught Regis and Kelly doing some Valentines treats while at the Y the other day. This is our version. Kids love anything involving cooking. Of course, I didn't let them eat any of them except for what they scarfed in their mouths during the process.

Gran and Granddad (my folks) send some Valentines cookies and handmade cards! I gave them some of the cookies and then they demanded milk to dip them in. I have no idea how they know about dunking cookies, possibly innate I guess.

All dressed up and ready to go!

Big kid beds have gone better than I though, but not without a few setbacks. It's been almost 3 weeks now, and the first week was a breeze. They never got out once. Then at about a week, I'm standing at my computer in the kitchen, and Owen appears at the bottom of the stairs during naptime. With a big smile on his face. This happens almost every other day. He's been growing out of his naps for the past few months, so it wasn't a huge surprise. Fast forward to this week at 5:23 am on Monday morning. "Hi Dad, Hi Dad" Yep, it's Owie again. I played dead but Paul relayed to me that they snuggled for awhile, and when he got fidgety, Paul told him he either needed to be still or go get into his own bed....and he did! He went back upstairs and got in his own bed and went back to sleep.

Now we have told him that he cannot get out of bed until Mr. Sunshine is awake too. So 2 days later, he's up again at about 6:30 (still dark). He doesn't come in our room, but we hear him doing this and that, even singing quietly (quiet for a 3 year old boy?). We let is slide and when we're finally up around 7:15 (now light) we have a conversation like this:

Paul: "Owie, you were up before Mr. Sunshine this morning, you're not supposed to get up until Mr. Sunshine us up"

Owen: "Look Dad, Mr. Sunshine IS up (points outside)

Paul: "Mr. Sunshine's up now, but he wasn't up when you got out of bed"

Owen: "He's right there dad! (points again)


Now we've switched it to "you don't get out of bed until Daddy comes get you". Worked this morning. We'll see.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Lilly & Owen!


My babies are THREE! I can't believe it! And Owen keeps telling my that he's not a baby, he's a big boy :) I have to keep telling him that he'll always be my baby, even when he's bigger than me.

It feels like more of a birthday week, than just one day. We had a great birthday party Saturday with great friends and family. The weather didn't cooperate, it was freezing, so we had to keep everyone inside, but we still had a great time. There was a dozen kids 4 and under in our little house, loaded up on sugar, hehe. It was a dress-up pirate and princess party. We had stuff for the kids to wear, and I was surprised that most of them really didn't want to wear the hats, eyepatches, tiaras, and jewelry that we supplied...those stubborn toddlers.

Monday morning, their actual birthday, after an exhausting birthday weekend.

Our neighbor "aunt" Lisa, and Aunt LaLa came in full dress - so great!

The littlest princess and our friend Veronica.

Lilly helping Owen blow out his candles. That's what big sisters are for.

Pirates and Princesses

Lilly loves Lisa & LaLa

I had planned on just buying a bunch of cupcakes like last year, but a few weeks before the twins birthday, I was inspired by a friend to make the cakes. I have fond memories of my mom making really neat cakes for my brother and I, so I decided to continue the tradition. Normally this is something I would jump at anyways, but I think the idea of doing two cakes at once was what was stopping me. I found some great cakes on line and was able to pretty much just copy them. I think they turned out pretty great - I was quite proud :) The kids loved them too, and that's the most important part. I had so much fun...I'm already getting excited about making Paul a fun cake for his birthday.

Paul and I both agree that the past three years has seemed like a blink, and also a lifetime. I would never want to go back to newborn twins again, but it is sad to think they will just keep getting bigger and bigger. Luckily I have a backup baby :) I'm proud of what we've done as parents, and I believe we have grown right along with Lilly and Owen. Now if we could just get a little more sleep!

The kids have had a lot of fun looking a photos of when they were born the last few days. The only thing Paul and I both noticed was that we both looked a lot younger 3 years ago! That's OK, I wouldn't have it any other way. I do believe that you shouldn't let your kids be your identity, or live through them (that can be hard when you're a stay at home mom). But I can say that my life would not feel complete without them..all 3 of them. These little people truly do complete me.

Now that the twins are 3, we are moving to "big kid" beds this weekend. Their cribs convert to toddler beds, so it will be easy to transform their beds. We've been dreading this move for months, but they officially look silly in cribs, so I think the time has come. I'm really hoping it's one of those things that turns out to be no big deal.

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate, we are so blessed to have you all!