Today and yesterday have been, in my mind, perfect days! About 60 and sunny, I personally couldn't ask for more. I love being outside in a long sleeve shirt, and a nice breeze, sun shining down, and no mosquitoes! We've been taking advantage of it and today had a picnic lunch in the back yard. Of course, a prerequisite of a picnic is to have bare toes!
I love this picture! It was a total fluke and already holds a special place in my heart. OK that was cheesy, but it's true!
Lilly: "Hey Owie you want to play hide and seek?"
Owen: "ya!"
Lilly: "OK, Owie, you hide under Ginger's bed and I'll go count"
(Owen hides under Ginger's bed)
(Lilly runs into the other room and counts to 10, etc)
Lilly runs to Ginger's bed, finds Owen (who may or may not have already come out of hiding) and they both laugh hysterically.
Ginger thinks it's pretty funny too - that's what the picture above is. She's laughing because she found someone under the bed. Sometimes she'll even go under they bed and they are all laughing. Pretty freaking adorable.
Big kid beds have gone better than I though, but not without a few setbacks. It's been almost 3 weeks now, and the first week was a breeze. They never got out once. Then at about a week, I'm standing at my computer in the kitchen, and Owen appears at the bottom of the stairs during naptime. With a big smile on his face. This happens almost every other day. He's been growing out of his naps for the past few months, so it wasn't a huge surprise. Fast forward to this week at 5:23 am on Monday morning. "Hi Dad, Hi Dad" Yep, it's Owie again. I played dead but Paul relayed to me that they snuggled for awhile, and when he got fidgety, Paul told him he either needed to be still or go get into his own bed....and he did! He went back upstairs and got in his own bed and went back to sleep.
Now we have told him that he cannot get out of bed until Mr. Sunshine is awake too. So 2 days later, he's up again at about 6:30 (still dark). He doesn't come in our room, but we hear him doing this and that, even singing quietly (quiet for a 3 year old boy?). We let is slide and when we're finally up around 7:15 (now light) we have a conversation like this:
Paul: "Owie, you were up before Mr. Sunshine this morning, you're not supposed to get up until Mr. Sunshine us up"
Owen: "Look Dad, Mr. Sunshine IS up (points outside)
Paul: "Mr. Sunshine's up now, but he wasn't up when you got out of bed"
Owen: "He's right there dad! (points again)
Owen: "Look Dad, Mr. Sunshine IS up (points outside)
Paul: "Mr. Sunshine's up now, but he wasn't up when you got out of bed"
Owen: "He's right there dad! (points again)
Now we've switched it to "you don't get out of bed until Daddy comes get you". Worked this morning. We'll see.
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