She is tall like her Daddy. And looks like him too.
She walks pretty well holding onto a finger. She says mama, dada, nana, bye bye, and hi. She repeats other words you say, and loves to wave. She gives big, slobbery kisses on demand. She loves to move to music just like her siblings. She likes to feed other people cheerios. If they let her. She likes strawberries, her daddy's skillet potatoes, avocados, and any kind of cheese. Cheese in every form. She loves cheese.
She loves to push her ride-on toy and also grab the phone to "talk" on it. She likes to swing. She likes playing with her brother and sister. She loves giggling with her big brother - they seem to have a special bond.
She does not always like nap time. She does not like when her mommy is farther than 6 inches away. She does not like the photographer at J C Penny.
She is a little spoiled. Because she is the baby.
She is fun.
She is ONE.
Happy (belated) Birthday Baby Ginger :)
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