Sunday, July 19, 2009


All about Lilly

I thought it would be fun to spotlight each of my tots, so of course, I must start with the oldest, even if it is only by a minute!

Full Name
Lilly Sue

35 inches?

about 28 lbs

Favorite Foods
Strawberries, grapes, watermelon, milk, yogurt, french fries & ketchup, noodles, raisins, & ice cream to name a few

Favorite Show
Dora the Explorer

Favorite Activities
Reading Books, Playing dress up - especially wearing heels, Playing in the water, Singing, Dancing, Acting like she's a baby, baking pretend cakes and making you blow out the candles

Current Favorite Accessory
Magic Cape (aka red bandana) and her wand. She wore her cape to CVS the other day, announcing so that all could hear "look mommy, I'm flying!"

Current Favorite Book
Princess Baby!

Favorite Word

Signature Move
the throw down
(hands in her face, head in her lap, immediate tears, or pretend crying, anytime something doesn't go her way)

Potty Training Status
has pooped and peed many times in the potty, but not that interested
loves the Dora underwear we got her, but it's purpose doesn't seem to be clicking quite yet

Lilly, our first born. I'd have to say she is definitely the epitome of a drama queen and girly girl, which can be both good and bad. But she's also the first one to grab at a frog or worm long before brother would. She is simply fearless. And stubborn. And definitely knows what she wants! She is so very sweet and thoughtful too. She is constantly telling everyone and everything "I love you" and always makes sure that Owen has his book for bedtime.

I love walking into the room and being greeting with a "good morning mommy" :) Lilly loves to wear pretty clothes and loves to accessorize, she gets much more wear out of my heels than I do. Jewelry, hats, headbands - she loves it all! I had an impromptu moment last week when I decided to paint her toe nails for the first time....after I started and she realized what I was doing, she kept saying "thank you mommy, thank you mommy, thanks"....and then, of course..."do hands, do hands!"

Lilly definitely got Daddy's clean gene. She gets very concerned if she or Owen accidentally makes a mess, and has been known to go and get a towel, etc and clean something up without even being asked. Pretty good for not even 2.5! She'll also put her clothes in the laundry room without being asked.

I can't imagine life without this little girl, and I know she will keep us on our toes for a long time!

getting a pedi...

In other news, our great friend "uncle" Mikey came to visit us this weekend. Unfortunately I'm on a roll and again too no pictures of his visit. But we had a great time! We went and let the twins play in the fountains, ate lots of good food, played some pool, and had a great time! Owen has been asking to go to Mikey's house all day....Mikey lives in Dallas. Thanks for the visit Mike!

Our cooking class for the week. We tried out the bread machine we borrowed from LaLa and made some zucchini bread. These kids, especially Owen love to help cook. Anytime he thinks I might be making something, he tries to drag the chair over the counter and has a fit until he gets to do something...I've always said this kid is going to be a chef!...or a rockstar.
I've been trying to make an effort with the potty training. They have both used the potty on numerous occasions, but aren't particualary interested in it. I'm not sure if they're really ready or not, but I am! Three in diapers is a little much.

We are eagerly counting down the days until vacation to upstate New York. We can't wait to escape the heat and be outside and on the river! 10 more days!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ginger and my other babies.

It's the end of another week. Paul had the day off so we made an exursion to the Children's Musuem at the mall...and all that fun stuff. Now Paul has a better idea of what the kids and I are up to on some days. I think he had a good time but not sure he's ready to be Mr. Mom any time soon.

Baby Ginger is 5 weeks old today and still all over the place with her sleep She's not getting enough of it, I'm sure. I keep reading about other babies the same age that sleep 5,6,7,8 hours in a row at night...and take a few 3-4 hour naps during the day. Do these babies really exist? If I have had 3 babies now, shouldn't I have at least gotten one baby like that??? I still haven't figured out how you're supposed to get a newborn to sleep with two constantly-shreiking 2 year olds. I'm open to suggestions :)

The twins are doing OK with Ginger. Most of the time they are indifferent to her, although I'm starting to see a little reaction from Lilly. For instance, Lilly now calls herself a baby, asks to be fed and rocked quite frequently, and is constantly wanting her binky - something she hasn't used in two years. I'm trying to indulge her a little bit, but I have to say it's getting old. One funny thing is that Ginger is exclusively breastfed, yet both kids now drink from baby bottles on a regular basis. Note bottles and binky in picture below. Ginger has 4 binkies and I'm lucky to find one most days - not because I am losing them, but because I have two pint-sized binky theives, ugh!

I don't beleive it has rained since before Ginger was for over a month now. So Mommy made rain!

I can already tell Ginger is going to be another Daddy's girl. She smiles and "giggles" for him already! She just started smiling this week, and it's adorable!

So I got brave and let the kids do some "cooking" last week. I got that Monkey Munch recipe from the Jon & Kate show to make (which incidentally, the recipe is also on the side of the Chex box -who knew?). I waited until Daddy got home for backup. We let the kids stir the melted peanut butter and chocolate into the chex, and even shake the powdered sugar bag. They were quite proud of themselves. They were not so happy when I did not let them eat ALL of it in one sitting.

This is what we wish Ginger did more of. But this week was definitely better than last!

My happy girl!

I hope everyone has a happy 4th! We don't have any grand plans but hope to take a trip to our neighbors pool again. And sleep.