Monday, May 10, 2010

Parks and such

So today I decided to get the kids to a park since we're having lower-than-avg temps and a bit of a breeze to boot. We won't be having many more days like this for months to come so I had to take advantage of it.

We ended up finding a nice small park in a new neighborhood near us and spent a nice hour there. On the way home, I decided to drive through another neighborhood to see if they had any nice parks, for future reference. So we did come across a park in this neighborhood as well, but it was gated. It was a large area that required one of those HOA cards to get through the gate. So I told the kids sorry but we can't get in, the gate is locked.

And Lilly says "wait a minute mommy, we could use a pogo stick to jump over the gate if we want." I love it when my kids can truly make me laugh out loud for real. And I did. This isn't the first pogo-stick reference to come out of her mouth, and it just always makes me laugh. We don't have a pogo-stick, and she's never really seen one or read about one that I know of. My guess is it came from some show we watched. But my girl is clever isn't she!

In other news Baby Ginger has been taking many first steps. She can walk across a (small) room holding my hand, and she has also taken a few solo steps to count. I'm pretty sure she'll be a "walker" by her first birthday. She is SO proud of herself :) One of her current favorite pastimes is hanging out on the bottom stair, where she likes to sit, then stand, then sit... and perhaps lay on it as well. She thinks it's pretty fun. Like all soon-to-be toddlers she's fearless and has a few bruises to show for it.

And last but not least, my lil guy Owie. Owen hasn't been as fast with his speaking and enunciation as his sister, so he has referred to himself as Owie for quite some time. We have followed suit. Cause it's cute. Well last week every time I called him, he said "no mom, OWEN." Ah, break my heart! My little man is getting so big, and would now like to be called Owen :( Owen has developed quite a fear of carwashes. The drive through kind. I've only taken the kids through one a few times. Lilly thinks it's quite fun. Owen, on the other hand, I thought was choking on his chicken nugget last time we got near one. But no, he was just convulsing. The boy is terrified of car washes. No matter how hard I try to talk it up and explain it to him. If we approach the intersection where the car wash is, you will quite likely see him tearing up. He even gets quite upset in parking garages and don't get him near an elevator. So for now, my car is dirty (er). I hope this is a phase.

These are a few pictures from our day trip to Brenham, TX. It's only about an hour from us and a great little town. The drive getting there is really scenic too. We visited a really nice park (lots of shade!) and then did a tour of the Blue Bell Ice Creamery, a Texas institution. It was organized by the twins' club I'm in. It was a fun day.

Hanging around home. Tea party.

Another park. Sisters :)

Ginger's current fave hangout.

It was 95degrees today. Boo. The kids have one more day of school left until summer. Boo. I see lots of Candyland in my future. But that's OK.

And this is why I worry. One minute she's wearing a pretty pink toddler dress. The next...
And she shrieks with delight when Tik Tok comes on the radio. The party don't start til she walks in.

1 comment:

redcitydesign said...

Nice - It looks like you've got your hands full, with the no car washes, test-drive toodler & Rockstar Lily! (that will make a good blackmail photo when she's older)